It is clear how the situation caused by the healthcare crisis has changed our daily lives, both at a personal and business level. Digital transformation is a topic of great importance nowadays, and is becoming more and more prominent in companies. 

There is no doubt that the new context has forced organisations to enter the field of digitalisation, with the aim of increasing their productivity and efficiency in order to continue competing in a market increasingly characterised by the need to be present in both online and offline channels.

Why do digitalisation and business sustainability go hand in hand?

At Consultia Business Travel, a company that is fully committed to digitalisation, we are aware of the importance and benefits that this new context brings to companies, especially those that, like us, have information as the base of their activity.

The incorporation of digitalisation in a company will not only bring benefits in terms of better organisation and classification of data, but these benefits will also be reflected when it comes to guaranteeing greater security and confidentiality.

Furthermore, opting for business digitalisation will mean the automatization of all processes, making it possible to save time and money, achieving an optimisation of the company’s resources, improving, at the same time, communications between workers and increasing flexibility when facing new challenges and projects.

In addition, digitalisation in companies can also help to improve environmental awareness, supporting sustainability and respect for the environment. 

It is for this reason that at Consultia Business Travel, the digitalisation of processes and the implementation of technology is the key to our corporate social responsibility strategy. In this line, we seek to promote the use of tools that help companies to be more efficient and sustainable in their business trips.

With this objective in mind, we developed Destinux, the software that digitalises and automatizes all the processes of corporate travel management. Therefore, this innovative technology implies the total elimination of paper and, with it, a reduction of processes and resources, which would otherwise generate a great environmental impact.

How does digitalisation affect business sustainability?

Sustainability as a business value should be a priority in the day-to-day work of all organisations, not only for the improvements it brings internally, but also for all the positive consequences it has on the environment, demonstrating their awareness and commitment to a problem that affects us all.

For this reason, with Destinux, at Consultia Business Travel we aim to promote the reduction of energy consumption, making business travel an efficient and sustainable management with a non-polluting system. In addition, our technological configuration allows our clients to access a detailed report on the CO2 of their trips, so that they can be aware at all times of the pollutant emissions they generate, so that they have the possibility and opportunity to offset their carbon footprint.

Some of the advantages of digitisation are not only in improving customer experience and employee relations, but also in increasing productivity and making it easier for the company to adapt to changes in the market.

In addition, other advantages of digitisation would be the reduction in the use of physical storage and the optimisation of records and organisation of information, which would help to save time in consulting information and improve employee efficiency, avoiding unnecessary travel.

The amount of benefits that digitalisation brings is evident, increasingly focused from a sustainable perspective. For this reason, at Consultia Business Travel we are committed to Destinux, our full-service corporate travel software that reflects the sustainable alternative that provides you with the economic and time savings you were looking for. Would you like to find out more about all the benefits that our tool can provide you with? Contact us!